Making Lemonade

On Thursday we made lemonade. We did our calculations yesterday and so we knew how much much of each ingredient we needed. We used lots of ingredients. We used water, lemons, oranges,sugar, syrup. First we squeezedall the juice out of the oranges and lemons. Then we put some water in it. We had to measure it very carefully and tried not to spill it. Finally we added the sugar and water syrup. We put in the fridge to cool and we will have it at break time tomorrow.

ByAlison and Sophie


Today we made Lemonade. We got put into groups. These are the ingredents:  Lemons,sparkly water, oranges and syrup. First we squeezed the lemons and oranges. Then we put it the juice into a bowl. After that we added the sparkling water into the bowl. Then we put the syrup into the mixture and poured it into the bottle. Finally we put the lemonade in the fridge and we will drink it tomorrow.

By Ava and  Rosaleen

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3 thoughts on “Making Lemonade

  1. hey you guys I love making lemonade and hear is a question do you get to drink the lemonade when you are done.
    by Mitchell

  2. A big thank you from everyone in the junior room, for the tasty lemonade. It was very refreshing and cooled us down nicely!

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