Below is a snapshot of some of the activities the children took part in during this time. In PE, the children really enjoyed practising the GAA skills. In Art, the children completed summer pictures and chalk drawings based on the Altamira Cave Painting as we studied this topic in History.
In Religion, the children worked on the topic of Baptism.
For the Incredible Edibles programme, the boys and girls worked on safe and unsafe items in the kitchen. They also worked on the Food Pyramid and completed a healthy eating chart for the week. We had lots of fun making faces using different fruits and vegetables and tasting the food.
In Maths, we worked on the topic of Data, the children had great fun completing various charts. They also worked on number stories using blocks and worked with Numicon.
In Literacy, the children worked on ai, oa, ie, ee and or during this time.
The children really enjoyed taking part in the Music lessons involving the Irish Polka and Irish Traditional Instruments. We learned all about the Gospel Clap and the Late Late clap.
We had yummy hot food on Thursday, it was delicious.