September has been a very busy and fun month. All the boys and girls are settling in very well. We would like to welcome Christopher, Rhea, Amelia, Rosie, Máirtín, Reuben, Cara, Sam, Kyra, Emma and Billy to the Junior Room.
In Gaeilge, we worked on the topic of Mé Féin’ and began working on the topic of ‘An Scoil.’ The children are fantastic are reciting the rannta agus dánta and have learned their Gaeilge poem for this month ‘Ar Scoil’ off my heart! Our Lá Galeach was a great success and we really enjoyed it.
In English, we worked on the following stories ‘Incredible Me’ and the ‘Three Little Pigs.’ The children really enjoyed working in these stories in detail and carrying out activities based on them. First Class also worked on ‘The Gingerbread Boy’ and ‘Playground Games.’ The Junior Infants have worked on the following Nursery Rhymes ‘Hickory, Dickory, Dock’ and ‘Incy Wincy Spider’ and we can all recite our English poem for this week ‘Back to School.’
The children are all working on their writing skills and really enjoy working on the different fine motor activities. Also, the children are working very well on developing their phonological awareness skills. This month, they worked on word awareness and syllable awareness.
In Numeracy this month, the children working on sorting, classifying, matching, comparing, counting, the number 1, height, width, length and ordinal number. First Class worked on Addition and revision activities.
Our Aistear themes of Myself and Houses/Homes have been the topics that were discussed during oral language lessons.
In SESE, the children learned about how we have changed since we were a baby and discussed the meaning of old, older and oldest, young, younger and youngest etc. They also learned about the different types of houses that exist and the various rooms within a house was discussed and the children constructed different types of houses using a range of materials.
The topic of Myself and Self-Identity was covered in SPHE and we enjoyed working on the strand of Games in PE.
The children really enjoy working on the Dabbledoo programme for Music and Drama and all the boys and girls are really enjoying music lessons with Múinteoir Angela.
The children are created beautiful art pieces throughout the month which are displayed within the school. They will also be available to view on the children’s Seesaw accounts.
Below are some pictures taken throughout the month.