Health & Safety Statement/Policy
It is a legal requirement under the Safety, Health and Welfare at Work Act, 2005, for every employer, in conjunction with employees, to prepare a Health and Safety Statement. It represents the Board of Management’s commitment to safety and health, and specifies the manner, the organisation and the resources necessary for maintaining and reviewing safety and health standards.
The Board of Management is required to document the school’s health and safety statement and make it available to all employees, outside services providers and Inspectors of the Health and Safety Authority. The Board of Management must also consider its ‘duty of care’ in the school and this must be an integral part of any Health and Safety statement.
With this policy the Board of management of Inver NS hopes;
• to create a safe and healthy school environment by identifying, preventing and tackling hazards and their accompanying risks
• to ensure understanding of the school’s duty of care towards pupils
• to protect the school community from workplace accidents and ill health at work
• to outline procedures and practices in place to ensure safe systems of work
• to comply with all relevant health and safety legislation (so far as is reasonably practicable) to include the following areas
• Provision of a safe workplace for all employees – teachers, SNAs, secretary, cleaners, etc.
• To ensure competent employees, who will carry out safe work practices
• Safe handling and use of hazardous substances and equipment
• Provision of appropriate personal protective equipment.
Responsibilities of employer – Board of Management
• Provide and maintain a workplace that is safe and do likewise for use of all equipment.
• Manage work activities to ensure the safety, health and welfare of employees
• Ensure that risks are assessed and hazards are eliminated or minimized as far as is reasonably practicable
• Prepare a safety statement and regularly update it, particularly when there have been significant changes or when the risk assessment is no longer valid
• Provide and maintain decent welfare facilities for employees
• Prepare and update procedures to deal with an emergency situation and communicate these procedures to employees..see Critical Incident Policy
• Appoint a competent person to oversee the functions of the Board in relation to Health & Safety
• Provide training and information to workers in a format and language that is appropriate, including training on the commencement of employment
• Report serious accidents to the Health and Safety Authority
• Consult annually with employees and provide them with information in relation to safety, health and welfare
Responsibilities of employees
Health and safety is everyone’s business. As a worker you have legal duties designed to protect you and those you work with
Responsibilities include:
• Not to be under the influence of an intoxicant to the extent that they endanger your own or other persons’ safety. To submit to tests for intoxicants as and when regulations specifying testing procedures are adopted see Substance Abuse Policy
• To co-operate with an employer or other people to ensure that the Health and Safety law is implemented
• Not to engage in improper conduct that will endanger you or anyone else
• To attend Health and Safety training and correctly use any equipment at work when availability arises.
• To use protective clothes and equipment provided . eg Gloves, Powder for when a child throws up.
• To report any dangerous practices or situations that you are aware of to an appropriate person
• Not to interfere or misuse any safety equipment at your workplace
• If you are suffering from a disease or illness that adds to risks, to tell your employer.
Risk Assessment
Each year, the Board of Management of Inver NS will carry out a risk assessment, identifying hazards, assessing the risks and specifying the actions required to eliminate or minimize them. Hazards may include physical, health, biological, chemical and human hazards.
Hazards shall be divided into two categories. Those which can be rectified will be dealt with as a matter of urgency. Those that cannot will be clearly indicated and appropriate procedures listed beside them. All hazards shall be eliminated in so far as resources and circumstances allow.
It is the policy of the Board of Management of Inver N.S.that:
(i) The Board of Management will ensure that an adequate supply of fire extinguishers, suitable for the type of fires likely to occur in each area, is available, identified and regularly serviced by authorised and qualified persons. Each fire extinguisher shall have instructions for its use.
(ii) The principal will ensure that fire drills shall take place at least once a term.
(iii) Fire alarms shall be clearly marked. (Responsibility of Board of Management Safety Officer)
(iv) Signs shall be clearly visible to ensure that visitors are aware of exit doors and routes.(Staff Safety Officer)
(v) All doors, corridors, and entries shall be kept clear of obstruction and shall be able to be opened at all times from within the building. Each teacher who has an exit in her classroom must ensure it is kept clear. main door – Principal will see they are free of obstruction.
(vi) A plan of the school shows assembly points outside the school.
(vii) Assembly areas are designated outside each building, and the locations specified.
(viii) Exit signs shall be clearly marked.
(ix) All electrical equipment shall be left unplugged when unattended for lengthy periods and when the building is empty. Teachers are responsible for their own classroom. The secretary/Principal, as appropriate, is responsible for the office. Staff room is every teacher’s responsibility. Cleaner to check when cleaning.
( x) Principal shall be responsible for fire drills and evacuation procedures.
(xi) All recommendations made by a Fire Officer in addition to these provisions shall be implemented.
Emergency Contact Procedures
• Parents/Guardians provide contact arrangements upon registering their children in Inver NS. These contact details are kept on file in the school.
• In September the Parents/Guardians are asked to supply contact details to the office
• In case of an emergency the Principal/Deputy principal will contact the parents/guardians. If no contact can be made and it is deemed necessary the Principal/Deputy Principal will accompany the child to the doctor/ hospital.
Serious Accident Procedure & Accident Report Form
A report must be made to the HSA in respect of the following types of incident:
• An accident causing loss of life to any employed or self-employed person if sustained in the course of their employment
• An accident sustained in the course of their employment which prevents any employed or self-employed person from performing the normal duties of their employment for more than 3 calendar days not including the date of the accident
• An accident to any person not at work caused by a work activity which causes loss of life or requires medical treatment.
• Critical incidents- see School Critical Incident Policy updated in 2023
Health Issues
Enrolment Form:There is a section on the enrolment form allowing parents to identify any allergies/illnesses of the applicant.
Managing specific health issues:
Teachers and SNAs are made aware of the health issues in relation to certain pupils during a staff meeting at the beginning of the school year and throughout the year. Staff meetings to discuss issues regarding the general running of the school are held at least twice a term. When classes are moving on at the end of the year the current teacher will inform the new teacher of any specific health issues in the class.
Administration of Medication – see school enrolment form
Sickness or Injury
Children who become sick or seriously injured during the school day are to be sent home. The secretary or teacher will inform parents/guardians and they will be asked to collect their child. As a general practice in the school, no children are permitted to be in the school during break time.
Infectious Diseases
It is the policy of the Board of Management that all infectious diseases shall be notified and steps taken to ensure the safety of staff and students against all such diseases.
The following is an example of some of the notifiable illnesses; Rubella, Chicken Pox, Measles, Ringworm, Swine Flu, Impetigo, Mumps, Scarlet fever, (this list is not exhaustive)
School Hygiene
Hygiene is the concern of everyone in our school. Good hygiene is essential for the health and welfare of all in the school. The staff, teachers and ancillary staff are requested to be vigilant in this regard. Teachers are asked to train their pupils in good hygiene practices and are asked to bring to the notice of the Principal teacher any corrective action which may be deemed to be necessary.
Toilets and washrooms shall be provided at all times with an adequate supply of water, soap, towels and a facility for the safe disposal of waste
General cleanliness of school environment
The cleaners are generally responsible for the general cleanliness of the school environment. The children are encouraged to keep our school clean and tidy and to be watchful for litter. Teachers should help to keep their classrooms/ sink areas free of general litter and encourage their classes to do the same.
Teachers/staff are encouraged to clean up after themselves in the staff room at break times.
Healthy Eating
Healthy eating is part of the S.P.H.E. curriculum (see school S.P.H.E. plan)
First Aid
• The Teachers of Inver NS are responsible for the treatment of cuts, bumps or bruises received by pupils during playtime.
• Parents will be notified if a child bangs his/her head during the school day.
• The classroom teacher is responsible for the treatment of minor injuries during the rest of the school day. Disposable gloves are provided for the persons treating cuts grazes etc. they should always be used and thrown away after each use.
• The sinks in the toilet areas are to be used. A first Aid Box is kept in the staffroom. Smaller green first aid kits are kept also, these kits may also be brought out on school trips. The teachers who take responsibility for GAA matches outside of school also have first Aid Kits
• The First Aid Kits include the following
• Various sized plasters and non adhesive dressings, steri-strips/paper stitches, gauze, surgical tape, moist sterile wipes, instant icepacks, (frozen ice packs and covers are kept in the freezer), disposable gloves, antiseptic lotion and cream and anti-histamine spray for stings/bites
• If any teacher/staff member is in doubt about the seriousness of the injury or how to treat it they should seek advice from the Principal/Deputy principal and/or ring the parents.
• Emergency numbers are posted on wall in Staffroom.
-telephone numbers of local Doctor, Gardaí, Hospital.
Safety and Welfare Issues: Pupils
Assembly and Dismissal of Pupils
Inver NS opens at 09.10am and all teachers will be present to exercise the required supervision etc. over their classes at that time.
Children are not allowed to exit the school grounds at home time without the presence of a teacher at the front of school.
Collecting Children
All parent/guardians/carers in the interest of safety must obey all signs upon entering the school grounds.
Those parking outside the school grounds are advised to accompany children to and from the school premises.
Pupils leaving the school premises during the school day e.g. dentist or doctor appointment
The parent/guardian should first inform the child’s teacher. The Parents/guardians must collect the child from school in person.
A written note in the child’s dialann or verbal notification to the child’s class teacher or Principal is required before the child may leave the school.
Access to School
In as much as is compatible with the practical layout of the school premises, anyone entering the school premises shall be required to identify themselves to the Principal or the Secretary as relevant before gaining admittance to the school. Any contractor must make direct contact with the Principal before initiating any work on the premises and shall be shown a copy of the safety statement applying to the school and shall agree to its provisions.
While work is in progress, any noise shall be avoided wherever possible during school hours and shall at all times be reduced to the minimum necessary. The contractor and his workmen shall not create any hazard, permanent or temporary, without informing the principal or his nominated agent and shall mark such hazard with warning signs or other suitable protection.
Safety and Welfare Issues: Staff
• Garda clearance
Garda vetting is mandatory for all people employed by the Board of Management and for visiting teachers.
• Employees work in a reasonably comfortable and safe environment. If they feel improvements are required they should bring this to the attention of the Principal
• The cleaner is provided with appropriate safety gear and the onus is on her to maintain this equipment and ensure its proper use.
• Safety procedures are to be followed by cleaners
• Be mindful of vacuum cleaner leads trailing on the floor/ corridors while there is movement of students/staff in the building.
• When cleaning/mopping floors safety/ hazard signs are to be used.
• Cleaning materials should be locked away out of children’s reach.
• Code of Behaviour and Anti Bullying Policy: Refer to school’s policy for dealing with behaviour which causes a risk to others.
• Allegations or Suspicions of Child Abuse
The school’s Child Protection Policy, in line with Child Protection Guidelines, must be followed in the case of an allegation or suspicion of child abuse. The Principal is the Designated Liaison Person and the Deputy Principal is the Assistant Designated Liaison Person. Every teacher is given a copy of the school’s Child Protection Guidelines.
The following hazards (in so much as can be identified) are considered by the Board of Management to be a source of potential danger and are brought to the attention of all concerned.
1. Wet corridors
2. Climbing frame
3. Trailing leads
4. Computers
5. Fuse Board
6. Electric kettles
7. Boiler house
8 Excess Gravel on school yard
9. Protruding units and fittings
10. Icy surfaces on a cold day
11. Windows opening out
To minimise these dangers the following safety/ protective measures must be adhered to
(a) Access to and operation of plant/equipment is restricted to qualified members of the staff, whose job function is that of running, maintaining, cleaning and monitoring particular items of plant in the course of their normal duties. Copies of this Safety Statement will be sent to all contractors prior to contract by the Principal/Board of Management. Any other contractors entering the school must be shown a copy of the schools Safety Statement and shall adhere to its provisions.
(b) In addition all such plant and machinery is to be used in strict accordance with the manufactures instructions and recommendations.
(c) Where applicable Board of Management will ensure that members of the staff will have been instructed in the correct use of plant, machinery and equipment.
(d) All machinery and electrical equipment are fitted with adequate safeguards.
(e) Precautionary notices, in respect of safety matters are displayed at relevant points.
(f) Ladders must be used with another person’s assistance.
(g) Avoid use of glass bottles where possible by pupils. Remove broken glass immediately on discovery
(h) Teachers will check that floors are clean, even, non-slip and splinter-proof.
(i) Principal will check that PE equipment is stacked securely and in positioned so as not to cause a hazard.
(j) Check that all PE and other mats are in good condition.
(k) Check that wooden beams, benches etc. Are free from splinters and generally sound.
(l) Will check that roofs, guttering, drain pipes etc as far as can be seen are sound and well maintained. Board of Management Safety Officer.
(m) Teachers check that manholes are safe.
(n) Check that all play areas are kept clean and free from glass before use.
(o) Check that outside lighting works and is sufficient. Board of Management.
(p) Check that all builder’s materials, cleaners maintenance equipment, external stores etc are stored securely. Principal and Board of Management Safety Officer.
Implementation/Ratification and Review
This policy was updated in September 2018. It will be reviewed again in 2019.
Signed: ___________________________ Date: __________________
Signed: ___________________________ Date: __________________
Signed:_________________________________ Date:______________________
Safety Officer