This is a new page to keep everyone up to date with matters in relation to Covid -19 and the prevention of it entering and spreading in Inver N.S.
January 14th NEW Isolation Guide
Please see up to date information regarding isolation. Click link below.
Updated Isolation guide for U13 Jan 14th
Recent communication to school from HSE
HSE Public Health NCDHP 040122
Quick Isolation Guide 24.11.21
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Update 23.11.21
Please click below for updated information and guidance on close contact testing, isolating and what to do in different scenarios.
Please remember to keep your child at home if they are displaying any Covid 19 symptoms. Thank you.
Updated 30.09.21
Please click below for information for parents regarding changes to contact tracing .
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Updated September 27th
Update for ELC SAC managers, principals, sporting and children clubs[8065]
FAQs for changes to contact tracing for children 23.9.21[8092]
Updated information August 2021
Click link below for our updated Back to school Plan 25/08/21
Information from Department of Education:
1. COVID-19 Response Plan for the safe and sustainable operation of Primary and Special Schools
2. Video advice for parents and students at different levels
3. Posters/graphics advice for parents
This is a link to the HSE website with up to date information about COVID-19.
24th February, 2021
Please see below a letter from Minister Foley which we have been asked to circulate to all parents/guardians .
Letter to parents and guardians 24 Feb
Please see below our updated health and Safety Risk Assessment for Covid -19 our
Please see below our updated Covid -19 Plan
Please click link below for letter from the Minister for your attention. January 2021
How parents can help
Our main aim is to have a safe and happy return to school and to prevent the risk of infection. We know we can depend on your help and support in these challenging times.
Please read any emails that we send home and keep an eye on our website. Some of the general information will be familiar to you by now, but there will be some details of measures to prevent the spread of COVID-19 in Inver N.S. specifically. Decisions will be reviewed regularly. If upon review, there are any changes to what we do, we will let you know. Your child’s class teacher will also update as necessary. Let us know if you have moved house, changed phone number or email address. You may also want to check that your emergency contact details are up to date.
School will be a bit different this year, especially at the beginning, but children are very resilient and will get used to these changes very quickly. They will look to you for reassurance. Whatever concerns they may have they will be helped by you speaking positively of the return to school. We advocate giving children information that is age appropriate.
Click on the link if you are unsure as to whether to send your child to school Isolation-quick-guide
- 27-08-20 Covid Information Pathway link-a guidance for parents and doctors – checklist for attending schoo
Back to school Video
26-08-20 Inver NS Updated Covid Plan
- 25-08- 20 Please click on links below for updated information from HSE regarding children attending schools.
- Back to school Advice ; Public Health Advice for parents
When to keep your child at home /contact GP link : Updated HSE information for parents
- Children should NOT ATTEND school if they are unwell. If you are in any doubt whether you should send your child to school or not, please err on the side of caution.If any pupil becomes unwell while at school, we will follow the recommendations in the guidelines and parents will be contacted to collect the child as soon as possible.The HSE will inform any parents of children who have come into close contact with a diagnosed case.
- We have always had an open door policy but these are strange times and in line with department guidelines parents are asked not to enter the school grounds and to leave the area around the school promptly at ‘drop off’ and collection time. Appointments may be made to visit the school for essential purposes.
- Before your child returns to /starts school, teach and encourage them to become more independent; – To open and close their school bag, coat, drink bottle and lunch box. Please label belongings.
- If you are not receiving school lunches (which will be organised when we return), please send healthy products that can be managed independently so as to minimise interaction with food products for safety reason. It is always better that teachers are not opening food items that the children will be putting in their mouths. With COVID-19 this is even more important.
- Please do not worry however. If your child struggles with something or falls or needs comfort, we are here for them !!
Inver N.S Return to School Plan 11.08.2020
We are really looking forward to welcoming everyone back to school on Thursday 27th August.Please see below our Return to School Plan which will give you an insight into how things will run from day 1.
Please note teacher’s new school email addresses on leaflet.
COVID -19 Policy Statement 10.08.2020
Inver N.S. is committed to providing a safe and healthy workplace for all our staff and a safe learning environment for all our students. To ensure that, we have developed the following COVID-19 Response Plan. The Board of Management and all school staff are responsible for the implementation of this plan and a combined effort will help contain the spread of the virus. We will:
- continue to monitor our COVID-19 response and amend this plan in consultation with our staff
- provide up to date information to our staff and students on the Public Health advice issued by the HSE and
- display information on the signs and symptoms of COVID-19 and correct hand-washing techniques
- agree with staff, a worker representative who is easily identifiable to carry out the role outlined in this plan in relation to summer provision
- inform all staff and students of essential hygiene and respiratory etiquette and physical distancing requirements
- adapt the school to facilitate physical distancing as appropriate in line with the public health guidance and direction of the Department of Education
- keep a contact log to help with contact tracing
- ensure staff and students engage with the induction / familiarisation briefing provided by the Department of Education
- implement the agreed procedures to be followed in the event of someone showing symptoms of COVID-19 while at school
- provide instructions for staff and students to follow if they develop signs and symptoms of COVID-19 during school time
- implement cleaning in line with Department of Education advice
All school staff will be consulted on an ongoing basis and feedback is encouraged on any concerns, issues or suggestions.
This can be done through the Lead Worker Representative(s), who will be supported in line with the agreement between the Department and education partners.
Information from Department of Education re COVID-19 & returning to school
Click HERE for the Covid 19 Response plan from the Department of Education.
To Parents – Letter from Minister Foley
27th July 2020
Dear Parents/ Guardians
Since I was appointed Minister for Education on 27 June, my first priority has been the
full re-opening of schools. Today the Government approved a Roadmap for Reopening
of Schools, and a funding package of €376 million to support this. I am confident that
the supports and additional resources we have provided will enable our schools to
open safely.
An enormous amount of work has been done to prepare detailed guidance based on
the interim public health advice for schools, which we received in late June.
The plan has been developed by consulting with those who know best how schools
run: representatives of students, parents, principals, teachers, SNAs, support staff and
school management bodies, and. Their expertise has been crucial in putting this
together and I am very grateful to all involved for their hard work over many weeks.
I know that school communities have a big job ahead of them to prepare for the return
to school. We have put in place some practical supports and a significant financial
package to help. This includes funding to make physical changes that schools may
need, funding to employ an aide to move furniture, help re-organise rooms and get
things ready before schools reopen, and funding for substitution and replacement of
teachers. We will also be providing funding for hand sanitiser and for personal
protective equipment, where appropriate.
Every school building and circumstance is different, and I’ve asked each school to
communicate directly with parents and students about the changes that you can expect
when term begins.
Before the return to school, the Department will provide schools with some
communications materials that are age-appropriate, to help you to support your child’s
return to school. They will also be available on I hope you will find
these useful.
I know that your children and you have experienced severe disruption as a result of
Covid-19. Pupils, parents, teachers and schools have made enormous efforts to keep
teaching and learning. But school is a special place, and some of the best parts of
learning are being in a classroom with other children, and everyone has missed out on
I know some children and young people may be nervous about returning, and we will
all be working to support them to settle in, to feel safe and to be happy in their school
work, when schools return.
I hope you and your families have a lovely summer and get to enjoy some time
Throughout this pandemic, we’ve all been in this together. This will be a time of
change, and there will be new routines for the students and for us all to learn. We will
learn this together, because we all have a role to play in keeping the whole school
community safe.
With every good wish
Norma Foley TD
Minister for Education
The website provides information and recommendations regarding the re-opening of schools: –
This is a link to the HSE website with information about COVID-19.