Creative Schools Initiative 24/25

Creative Schools Initiative ’24/’25

We are delighted to be taking part in the Creative schools Initiative. We look forward to exploring the many avenues of creativity within ourselves and school community.

We invite anyone within our school community, who has a craft or skill, to get in touch . We would love for you to share this with us.


We had a lovely visit from our Creative associate  and Artist Breda Burns who demonstrated how to turn 2d materials into beautiful 3d flowers. We look forward to working with Breda over the next 2 years.


Badge Making With Breda

The children had lots of fun designing their own badges today.


African Drumming Workshop le Barra March 15th ’24

Each class had the opportunity to take part in a drumming workshop today as part of our Creative schools exploratory stage.  Barra  from Slí na Croí explored many rhythms with  the children and also spoke of how the drums are made and their origin, West Africa. It was quite exertive and super fun!



Weaving with Tom Delaney 24/04/24

The children in the senior room had a wonderful time learning about the craft of weaving. The also had an opportunity to weave their very own bird feeders with some children mastering the skill really quickly. Thank you to Tom and his helper Rob for sharing their expertise today.

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