Maths Week 2021 Day 1

As part of Maths Week 2021 we invite every family to work together to solve the following riddles/puzzles. Please leave answers in the comment box throughout the week. There are no prizes – it is all just a bit of fun because Maths is fun! Check out the blog each day for new puzzles and answers to previous puzzles.

Please remember to keep your MATHS EYES nice and wide throughout this week especially because Maths is everywhere!!

We hope 2nd to 6th class pupils enjoy their Ireland Rocks 2021 competition where they can practise their tables online with their peers through games.


Múinteoir Deborah


Puzzle 1

A grandfather, two fathers and two sons went to the cinema together and everyone bought one movie ticket each. How many tickets did they buy in total?

Puzzle 2

How can you add eight 6s together so that the total adds up to 750?

Puzzle 3

If you multiply this number by any other number, the answer will always be the same. What number is this?




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