Author Archives: Múinteoir Lisa
☀️☀️October in the Junior Room☀️☀️
Below is some pictures from the month of October.
In English, the children worked on the following stories: ‘The Gruffalo,’ ‘The Hidden Forest,’ Handa’s Surprise’ and ‘Room on the Broom.’
We learned the poem ‘Five Little Pumpkins and Junior Infants worked on ‘Twinkle Twinkle’ and Three Blind Mice.’
The children are working very well on their handwriting and mark making as well as their Phonological Awareness and Phonics. We studied Narrative Writing as well as capital letters and full stops.
In Gaeilge, we work on An Scoil agus Oíche Shamnha agus learned the poem ‘Púca, Púca.’
We enjoyed learning our football skills with Múinteoir Míchael as well as working on the strand of Athletics as well as the Rinka workshop.
In Art, we created fabulous Halloween clay pots, paper plate pumpkins and drawing the witch from ‘Room on the Broom.’
We also really enjoyed completing activities based on Halloween in both Music and Drama. We especially loved the song ‘All in the Middle of the Night.’
I hope you all have a lovely Halloween
Múinteoir Lisa
⚽⚽Cill Chomáin Abú!⚽⚽
➕➕Maths Week in the Junior Room➖➖
Below is a snapshot of some of the activities completed throughout the week. We really enjoyed working in pairs and in groups and we all worked very well together. We had great fun using our ‘Maths Eyes’ and being able to see Maths all around us.
🏆🏆Winners of the Erris Mini 7’s Tournament 🏆🏆
A huge congratulations to the boys who won the Erris Mini’s Tournament on the 03rd of October. We are so proud of you all. Thanks very much to Alan who coached them so well.
⭐⭐September in the Junior Room⭐⭐
Below are some pictures taken throughout the month
⭐⭐Welcome back-Junior Room⭐⭐
Welcome back everyone. I hope you all had a lovely summer.
We had a great two days in the Junior Room. We would like to welcome the new Junior Infants to our classroom, they have settled in really and are doing super!
Below is a snapshot from Thursday and Friday.
Looking forward to the year ahead,
Múinteoir Lisa
⭐⭐June in the Junior Room⭐⭐
A little snapshot from the month of June. I hope you all have a wonderful summer.
Múinteoir Lisa
⭐⭐Junior Room School Tour⭐⭐
A little snapshot of our tour on 11th June. What a fantastic day was had by all !!!😎
⭐⭐A little snapshot of the year 2022/2023 in the Junior Room⭐⭐
What a wonderful year we have all had. It has gone by in a flash. I hope you all have a lovely summer
Múinteoir Lisa
⭐⭐October in the Junior Room⭐⭐
The boys and girls were very busy again this month. They completed the theme of ‘An Scoil’ agus ‘Oíche Shamhna’ as Gaeilge. They had great fun playing Bingo and we had a few groups that managed to get ‘a full house!’
In English, we studied three fabulous stories- ‘The Gruffalo,’ ‘The Little Red Hen’ and ‘Room on the Broom.’ The children also continued to work on their Phonological Awareness skills and handwriting skills.
In Maths, the children worked on 2D shapes. For Maths week, the boys and girls in the Senior Room, so kindly offered to help the children in the Junior Room with our Maths Trail. Great fun was had!
Fabulous pieces of Art were created from clay based on Halloween and the children brought them home to show their families. Also, we decorated the school windows in the Cill Chomáin colours to support our local team.
For P.E, the children continued to worked on Athletics. The boys and girls are doing really well learning ‘Hot Cross Buns’ and Mary had a Little Lamb’ on the tin whistle.
We had a lovely day on Friday before getting our holidays for a week. All the costumes were amazing, well done to everyone!
⭐⭐Junior Room-September 2022⭐⭐
September has been a very busy and fun month. All the boys and girls are settling in very well. We would like to welcome Christopher, Rhea, Amelia, Rosie, Máirtín, Reuben, Cara, Sam, Kyra, Emma and Billy to the Junior Room.
In Gaeilge, we worked on the topic of Mé Féin’ and began working on the topic of ‘An Scoil.’ The children are fantastic are reciting the rannta agus dánta and have learned their Gaeilge poem for this month ‘Ar Scoil’ off my heart! Our Lá Galeach was a great success and we really enjoyed it.
In English, we worked on the following stories ‘Incredible Me’ and the ‘Three Little Pigs.’ The children really enjoyed working in these stories in detail and carrying out activities based on them. First Class also worked on ‘The Gingerbread Boy’ and ‘Playground Games.’ The Junior Infants have worked on the following Nursery Rhymes ‘Hickory, Dickory, Dock’ and ‘Incy Wincy Spider’ and we can all recite our English poem for this week ‘Back to School.’
The children are all working on their writing skills and really enjoy working on the different fine motor activities. Also, the children are working very well on developing their phonological awareness skills. This month, they worked on word awareness and syllable awareness.
In Numeracy this month, the children working on sorting, classifying, matching, comparing, counting, the number 1, height, width, length and ordinal number. First Class worked on Addition and revision activities.
Our Aistear themes of Myself and Houses/Homes have been the topics that were discussed during oral language lessons.
In SESE, the children learned about how we have changed since we were a baby and discussed the meaning of old, older and oldest, young, younger and youngest etc. They also learned about the different types of houses that exist and the various rooms within a house was discussed and the children constructed different types of houses using a range of materials.
The topic of Myself and Self-Identity was covered in SPHE and we enjoyed working on the strand of Games in PE.
The children really enjoy working on the Dabbledoo programme for Music and Drama and all the boys and girls are really enjoying music lessons with Múinteoir Angela.
The children are created beautiful art pieces throughout the month which are displayed within the school. They will also be available to view on the children’s Seesaw accounts.
Below are some pictures taken throughout the month.
⭐⭐A snap shot of the year in the Junior Room⭐⭐
Below is a snap shot of the Junior Room throughout the year. We have had such a wonderful year. I hope you all have a lovely summer.
Múinteoir Lisa.
Incredible Edibles-Junior Room
Below is a snapshot of the Junior Room taking part in the Incredible Edibles programme.
⭐⭐02nd-13th May 2022-Junior Room⭐⭐
Below is a snapshot of some of the activities the children took part in during this time. In PE, the children really enjoyed practising the GAA skills. In Art, the children completed summer pictures and chalk drawings based on the Altamira Cave Painting as we studied this topic in History.
In Religion, the children worked on the topic of Baptism.
For the Incredible Edibles programme, the boys and girls worked on safe and unsafe items in the kitchen. They also worked on the Food Pyramid and completed a healthy eating chart for the week. We had lots of fun making faces using different fruits and vegetables and tasting the food.
In Maths, we worked on the topic of Data, the children had great fun completing various charts. They also worked on number stories using blocks and worked with Numicon.
In Literacy, the children worked on ai, oa, ie, ee and or during this time.
The children really enjoyed taking part in the Music lessons involving the Irish Polka and Irish Traditional Instruments. We learned all about the Gospel Clap and the Late Late clap.
We had yummy hot food on Thursday, it was delicious.