Below is a snapshot of some of the activities completed throughout the week. We really enjoyed working in pairs and in groups and we all worked very well together. We had great fun using our ‘Maths Eyes’ and being able to see Maths all around us.
Below is a snapshot of some of the activities completed throughout the week. We really enjoyed working in pairs and in groups and we all worked very well together. We had great fun using our ‘Maths Eyes’ and being able to see Maths all around us.
We had an action packed month in the Junior Room. We learned all about Saint Bridget and made fabulous crosses from paper. In P.E the children continued to work on the strand of Dance. We are having great fun learning different dances.
In Maths, the children continued to work on number formation, counting, addition and subtraction. All classes also worked on Money.
In Art, as mentioned above, the children made Saint Bridget crosses, Valentine’s hearts and cards and beautiful butterflies.
We learned how to make music from various items in the classroom, such as our copies, pencils, lunch boxes and drink bottles.
Our topic this month in Aistear was The Dentist. We learned all about the dentist, healthy eating and drinking and taking care of our teeth.
We continued with Literacy and Numeracy stations this month. The children worked on their phonics, reading, writing and answering questions about a piece of text. In Numeracy, using a number line and 100 square, Mathematical games, money, mental maths and colouring by number activities were completed.
We continued working on the Incredible Edibles programme this month. We learned about the Bord Bia mark and what this symbol means. We also leaned about the fruit and vegetables that can be grown in Ireland.
As part of our Well-being programme, we worked on the topic of gratitude and completed some lovely activities such as our gratitude jars.
Today, we had great fun taking part in a Kahoot quiz as Gaeilge and we completed the topic of Éadaí.
I hope you all have a lovely midterm break. See you all on Monday.
This week some of the activities that the boys and girls in the Middle Room worked were Fractions in Mathematics and continuing to learn more information about the life of Gráinne Ní Mháille. The children continued to work on the Stay Safe programme.
Also, the children in Rang a Dó are preparing for the Sacrament of Reconciliation. Fabulous art work was completed.
We began working on Ag Siopadóireacht as Gaeilge.
We are continuing to work on the novel ‘Fantastic Mr. Fox and we cannot wait to see what happens next for the fox family.
The children completed a Kahoot quiz, it was great fun and to complete the week we listened to our class novel while enjoying the sunshine.
Another week gone by and the excitement for Christmas is truly building. We had a lovely surprise letter from Santa today and a special treat for all the kindness we see every day in class. Well done boys and girls! It is what Jesus wants us to be, just like Santa says ‘he is the reason we celebrate Christmas after all!’. This week we also started our Advent Kindness Calendar, where we try to complete the suggested kind act or an alternative one. Some of these so far include putting food out for the birds, taking unwanted toys to the charity shop and I know all the boys and girls are going to be flat out doing jobs for mom over the weekend! We have had lots of fun games to practice our tricky words throughout the week also. The countdown is well and truly on! D.Tyrrell
Last Wednesday, the children had the opportunity to take part in ‘Maths Power Hour.’ They worked in groups and changed stations every 15 minutes.
Station 1: Darts
Station 2: Maths games
Station 3: Numeracy activities on the iPads
Station 4: Completing written activities
The children had great fun and are working on further developing their Numeracy skills through active activities. We are looking forward to the next session!
In in our little shops today, our visitors from third class were a great help to the little ones as they practiced making various amounts together in groups.
We are are very excited to be starting our Run around Ireland challenge next week.Each class in school will aim to reach various landmark destinations around Ireland, while also sharpening our Geography Knowlegde. Each lap of our Astro pitch will equate to 1km for this particular challenge and as a classroom, we will decide where we would like to visit. Keep an eye out on our Active board in the hall to monitor each class’s progress, which will be marked with coloured threads.
Thank you to the active committee and other pupils in the senior room for working out the distance from Inver to each destination! Let’s get moving!
This month, while we continue develop the strand of Games in P.E. , we will be do using on the fundamental movement skill of Dodging. See picture below.
Snapshot of Measuring Capacity. Lots of predictions and measuring!
This past fortnight we have been exploring the use of clay. After discussing how it feels and the many things we can do with it such as pinching, pulling, throwing, twisting….we moulded our little pinch pots. We discussed and predicted what might happen to the clay pots when left on the radiator over night. Some little scientists predicted that the clay material would change colour and become solid. Some of the children made connections with our Maths topic ‘weight’ and predicted that the pinch pots would be lighter when dry. How very clever! Each child decorated their own pinch pot as they wished and we discovered in the end that the pinch pots were just like us. Unique and special!
We had lots of building igloos, polar bears and sleds from lego during Aistear this week. Some children decided to build our sleepy Polar Bear inspired by our poem Polar Bear, Bear Polar, out of Playdough as well as other arctic animals we had discussed such as the Arctic Hare, Arctic Fox, Lemmings and the snowy Owl! At the Maths Station, children explored how heavy various objects are, estimating at first then checking. At the History Table, children sorted old toys and new toys. Lots of fun!
We are learning about the days of the week, the months of the year and reading the hour – o clock on our little clocks.