Active Code winners

Well done to Liam and Kirsty who were the winners of our active code competition. Here they are with their prizes. Well deserved!

Inver N.S. Active Code

We need this Flag,
Don’t want to be a nag,
Get on your feet
And move to the beat.

To be fit, do not sit, ride a bike, walk or run, have some fun!
It doesn’t matter what you do , Just do what’s good for you!

Any sport at all,
You don’t need a ball.
We have a pitch AND a hall.
Run to the shore,
Don’t be a bore,
Don’t stay at home and snore , snore, snore!

To be fit, do not sit, ride a bike, walk or run, have some fun!
It doesn’t matter what you do , Just do what’s good for you!

Don t stay in and sit, sit, sit,
Just listen to us and you’ll get fit, fit, fit!


Our Active Code


Inver N.S. Active Code

We need this Flag,
Don’t want to be a nag,
Get on your feet
And move to the beat.

To be fit, do not sit, ride a bike, walk or run, have some fun!
It doesn’t matter what you do , Just do what’s good for you!

Any sport at all,
You don’t need a ball.
We have a pitch AND a hall.
Run to the shore,
Don’t be a bore,
Don’t stay at home and snore , snore, snore!

To be fit, do not sit, ride a bike, walk or run, have some fun!
It doesn’t matter what you do , Just do what’s good for you!

Don t stay in and sit, sit, sit,
Just listen to us and you’ll get fit, fit, fit!

Well done to Liam & Kirsty for their wonderful Active Code!
All of the children worked so hard, composing great stories, poems and raps. Keep up the great work guys!

Car Free Day 2015

European Mobility Week was celebrated from September 16th -22nd.
As part of Car free day, we all made a great effort to leave the cars at home on Tuesday morning. Even though the morning wasn’t the most pleasant, there was a great turn out of walkers and cyclists. Well done to the parents and children who also parked up and walked the remaining distance to school.





Well done to everyone who participated in our 1st W.O.W day of our new school year. A wonderful turn out as usual, with parents and younger siblings joining us for our morning stroll…and what a lovely morning it was too! See you all again for our next W.O.W day and don’t forget it’s Car Free Day on September 22nd! Get the runners ready or the bikes decide. Let’s get Inver mobile!