Jokes from the Senior Room


Why can’t an orange go to the beach?
Because if he gets sunburned he can’t stop peeling!

from Amy

Why did the cow cross the road?

To go to the mooooooooooooooooovie’s

from Róisín

Knock knock

Who’s there?


William who?

William mind your buisness.


Why did the boy take the pencil to bed?

To draw the curtains.

What kind of trick can a bunny do on a BMX bike?

A bunny hop.

Why did the orange stop rolling down the road?

Because he ran out of juice.

What does an elf learn in school?

The elfabet.

What did the blanket say to the bed?

Dont worry I’ve got you covered

Where can you find a ocean with no water?

On a map

Why did Mikey mouse go to outer space?

Because he wanted to see pluto (his dog)

By Orla



Why did the cow go to the moon?

To go to the moooooooovies

By Sophie


Why did the cow go to the moon.

A.To go to the moooooooovies.

By Rosaleen

Why did the pen go to the police staition?

To do long sentences.


Why did the turkey cross the road?

To prove he wasn’t a chicken.

From Kian


What do you call a grumpy cow????????

Mooooooody 🙂

by Grace


What did the grape do when he got stepped on?

He let out a little wine. By Niall

What goes up the road and down the road but never touches the road?

The County Council. By Niall

What would you call Bob the builder in recession?

Just Bob because he would get no work. By Niall


What do you call a dog with no legs?

You could call him anything but he won’t come to you. by Shannon

One day  two crips were walking down the street and a man said “Do you want a lift?”  They said ‘No because we are Walkers!”

By Liam


A reminder of our Green School Water Code

Water Rap

Stop and think,
Turn off the sink,
You have the power,
Take a shorter shower,
Water’s fun for swimming or rowing with an oar,
Canoeing through the rapids but even more,
We need it to survive, to clean and to drink,
So don’t let it all just run down your sink,
Saving water is what we mostly do,
We turn off the taps and so should you,
We also save energy by turning off the light,
It saves electricity day and night,
We also recycle, all day long,
Rubbish in the bin, is where it belongs,
We’ll save our world, it’s a chance we can’t miss,
So future generations can enjoy all of this!

Composed by Amy and Alison

Oíche Shamhna í seomra na Naíonáín

Oíche Shamhna on PhotoPeach

Bhí an-spórt againn ar an Aoine seo chaite. Bhí gach duine gléasta suas le haghaidh Oíche Shamhna. Bhí eagla an domhain ar na múinteoirí! Bhí rasaí na cnónnaí againn agus bhí siad an greannmhar. Ghearramar amach puimcín mór agus rinneamar ‘Damhsa an Cnámharlach’. Ag deireadh an lae, bhí seans ag gach duine úll seacláíd a dhéanamh!mmmmmmmmm

Maths week – Junior Room

Maths Trail Junior Room on PhotoPeach

Last week was maths week. We did loads of fun things . On Monday we guessed how
many teddy bears were in the bucket. Ava won she guessed one hundred and ninety
nine . She was the nearest .On Tuesday we tried to think how much water was in the bottle
but the hard thing about it was the bottle was not full. So we had to guess less than half of the
bottle . It was very hard . But we soon found out that Amy and Kirsty won. We were very happy for
them. On Wednesday we guessed the weight of the book.The book was very heavy for its
size . Michael won. We were delighted for him we clapped and clapped. On Thursday we
guessed how long the string was. John Anthony won. He was amazed and very excited
to get his prize. Then on the following Monday we did a maths trail. The leaders were Miss
Reilly , Miss Garvin , Amy and Ailish. They were very helpful. Miss Garvin was my teams
leader. She timed us when we had to run around the school. Laoise was the fastest. It only
took her 19 seconds to run around the whole school ! !. Another fun task was when we had
to weigh how many beads was the same as a pack of cards. I loved maths week and I
hope we do it next year again. By Siobhan .

Oíche Shamhna le Shauna & Ailish. Acrostic!!:)

‘Oooooo’a duirt an púca.
Ithim a lán milseain.
Chuir mé pumcín ar an fhuinneog.
‘Ha ha ha’ arsa an cailleach.
‘Eeeeek’ arsa an paisti.

Scuab agus cat ag na gcailleach,
‘Hurrá’ arsa na paisti nuair a fuair siad milseain.
lán cnónna agus úlla.
Mascanna ar na paistí.
Hata biorrach ar cheann an draoi,
Ná chaith ubh lé do theach.
Ag dul ó theach go teach.
Lé Shauna agus Éílís.
🙂 🙂

Ava’s Scary Story

imagesCA4L3GE5“Bye” called Lilly and Jane. They were going trick or treating. This was their favourite time of year, (exept for Christmas). Jane and Lilly don’t like very scary stuff. They went trick or treating to Ailish’s house first.Ding Dong went the door bell.

“Hi,’ said Ailish.

“Oh thats really scary!’ said Lilly. Ailish was dressed as a scary twin. They got lots of sweets from Ailish. Next they were going to Lisa’s house but………………….

They took the wrong road. What was going to happen? Suddenly it started to rain. It got heavier and heavier, then it began to hailstone. ” AHHHHHHH” cried Lilly. ” Quick to that old house!” yelled Jane.

They ran as fast as they could. They waited and waited but the weather didn’t get better.” Oh dear, ” said said Lilly. ” Let’s explore the house.” said Jane. They went into the first room, it was a bedroom. Suddenly there was a big bang. ” AHHHH!!!!!” they screamed.

They ran for their lives!. When they got back home they didn’t know WHO, WHAT OR WHERE THE BANG CAME FROM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 🙂 🙂 🙂


Amy’s Scary Story

ghost-cartoon10One Halloween not so long ago, two best friends called Jenna and Ally went out trick or treating. Before that Jenna went over to Ally’s house so they could get dressed up in their terrifying costumes together. Soon they set out, with two big empty buckets ready to collect sweets.

They went to many houses and collected lots of sweets. “I think we’ve almost done every house in the village” said Ally. “Everyone exept that big dark mansion” said Jenna. “Lets go there next” said the two girls at the same time. Suddenly they bumped into Amanda, Jenna’s 14 year old cousin. “What are you doing here Amanda?” said Jenna curiously, “You’re too old to be trick or treating”. Amanda saw the two girls glancing at the big mansion. “First of all no I’m not trick or treating and second of all you guys aren’t actully going up there, are you? said Amanda in shock. “Yes we are” said Ally. “Well you better watch out! That place is haunted!” Amanda replied. “What do you mean haunted?” asked Jenna worrying. “Spooky things happen there” said Amanda as she walked off. “Come on Jenna, we’re not afraid of anything!” said Ally and off they went.

Soon enough they were at the house door and knocked on it. They heard a whimpering voice say ” Hello dears, come inside”. They weren’t scared so they stepped in and the door closed behind with a big bang. Now they were a little creeped out but not enough to keep them from getting their sweets. They went into the sittingroom to see if anyone was in there, but no-one was. They wanted to get out because the room was very freaky, it had old sofas, an old cable T.V. and the creepiest thing of all was the room’s only light was about twenty candles on lots of tables. Suddenly, all of them seemed to go out one by one and no-one was in the room but them.

They started running down a long dark hallway that went to the end of the house and although they heard lots of deep moaning sounds behind them they kept on running. Luckily they found a room to hide in but there weren’t any hiding spots, it was nearly an empty room! All the monsters started to corner them in and one particular monster started closing in on them but it said ” Why did you avoid my warning?” and peeled off its face revealing the true identity of the monster who was actully Amanda! All the others peeled off their faces too revealing them all to be Amanda’s friends! ” I just wanted to prove to you that sometimes you should believe what I tell you” said Amanda.”I’ll take you to home now, alright?”

The two girls too horrorstricken to say anything, just nodded and walked away and from that day on they always believed what Amanda told them.

The End
By Amy

Skype agus ‘Amhrán na gCupán’ le Cloughfinn NS

Bhí spórt againn inniú mar rinne muid Skype le Cloughfinn NS i gContae Dhún na nGall agus chan muid agus sheinn muid ‘Amhran na gCupan’ le cheile.

Today we performed Amhrán na gCupán with Cloughfinn NS from Co.Donegal on Skype. Thank you to Ms. Farry for organising the Skype in Cloughfinn for us and to Múinteoir Tracey for helping us learn the song and the beat pattern.

We learned that Cloughfinn NS is very like our school.It has two teachers, just like our school and about the same number of pupils.

We think we will do some more Skyping with them soon.

Scileanna Rugbaí

Today we started to learn how to play rugby. It was a little bit hard for some people but it was easy enough for me. First we played stuck in the mud for warm up. The games were very fast played because the chasers were very very fast. After we learnt how to catch the ball with the w shape. Your hands wrap around the ball when it touches them. It’s like a magnet. The guys names were Paul,Aiden and James. They were very nice to us. We were tired after so we played tired soldiers. You lie down and don’t move or you’re out.It was fun. John Anthony won he was keeping very very still. We played catching the ball after. They are coming for another few weeks. I am looking forward to seeing them again and learning new skills.






